
Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Red Jammer
This miniature took me about a year to complete. It was extensively modified and repainted to replicate the "Red Jammer" prototype used in pre-production for A New Hope.

STATUS: First completed 12/2018.

Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Kavil w/ Dorsal Turret
I've gently modified this Y-Wing with a "Dorsal Turret" inspired by the one on the VCX-100 (and also by old-timey Star Wars concept art). I've also made the astromech an Unhinged Astromech, and painted an engine glow effect.

STATUS: First completed 10/2017.

Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Green Squadron
Here's a Green Squadron Y-Wing, which in addition to the paint job I modified the top turret and engine nozzles to look more like the movie. Here's a fun fact: the novelization for A New Hope has 4 different fighter squadrons that attack the Death Star. Luke is in Blue Squadron, and the Y-Wings that make the first trench run are Red Squadron. It doesn't say what type of fighters are in Green and Yellow Squadrons, but those guys aren't in it much because they're providing cover from the TIE fighters. For purposes of this mini, let's pretend Green Squadron was more Y-Wings.

STATUS: First completed 04/2017.

Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Horton Salm (Gray Leader)
This miniature is an update to the Gray Squadron one I did a couple years ago. This time, I have added a top turret and painted a glowing effect on the engines.

STATUS: First completed 11/2015.

Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Hired Gun
This miniature is painted like the "Hired Gun" card from the Most Wanted set. I added a top turret with styrene and brass, and painted a glow effect for the engines. Unlike the Rebel Y-Wings (which are typically depicted with a reddish engine glow), the Scum ones tend to have a purplish glow in the art.

STATUS: First completed 11/2015.

Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Gold Leader (Dutch)
After my "Pops" Y-Wing, I decided to do an improved take on the Gold Leader Y-Wing. I spent a lot of time looking at stills from A New Hope during the trench run and tried to pick out all the differences between the two Y-Wings that flew in formation. I over-exaggerated some of the details for effect. I modified the model with a top turret, and added engine glow.

STATUS: First completed 11/2015.

Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Drea Renthal
This miniature is painted like the Drea Renthal scheme from the Most Wanted boxed set. It's kind of like the Gold Squadron scheme, but with some extra black markings and some panel lines on the sensor domes. I added a top turret with styrene and magnets. It can rotate a little if you're careful.

STATUS: First completed 11/2015.

Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Gold Squadron / Pops Y-Wing
This is an update to the previous Y-Wing; this time I've added a top turret and made the engines glow.

STATUS: First completed 11/2015.

Ship Picture Ship Picture Gold Squadron / Yavin Y-Wing
This Y-Wing is painted like one of the ones in the battle of Yavin, I think probably the one flown by Pops. The markings are slightly different from the other Y-Wings, and this one appears in a lot of promotional materials. It's a pretty subtle difference, but I worked hard to match paint colors so it looks natural.

STATUS: First completed 04/2015.

Ship Picture Ship Picture Clone Wars-era scheme
This paint scheme is a rough hack at the white and yellow one seen on the Clone Wars-era Y-Wings. Those ships had additional armor and fairings so the scheme is not completely accurate but it's a decent approximation.

STATUS: First completed 07/2014.

Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Ship Picture Y-Wing in Diecast scheme
This Y-Wing was painted specifically to match the Kenner die-cast Y-Wing from 1978, right down to the shiny silver astromech droid. Previously, I painted a Y-Wing with red markings to represent Tiree's ship. This time I went a lot more literal.

STATUS: First completed 06/2014. Updated in 11/2015 with the addition of a top turret.

Ship Picture Ship Picture Tiree
This scheme was inspired somewhat by the die-cast toy from 1978 but more so from the art from the Gold 2 card (piloted by Tiree) in Decipher's CCG.

STATUS: First completed 06/2013.
I've done 3 of these.

Ship Picture Ship Picture Gray Squadron Y-Wing
Here's a Y-Wing painted in the scheme of Horton Salm and Gray Squadron.

STATUS: First completed 09/2013.

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